lamborghini cerinardo

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

ThE MoSt MyStErioUs tOpIc Of ThE WoRld

How to Start Your Journey to the Innermost Chambers of the Shaolin Temple…”

Your Path to Mastery starts here as you discover the secrets used by the Shaolin Temple to transform everyday farmers into legendary Shaolin Warrior Monks. Your body and your martial arts skills will never be the same!

“Why the Monks of the Shaolin Temple Aren’t Just a Bunch of Guys Flying Around in Their Pajamas”

Think that the Shaolin Arts are just about katas and dancing around…think again. Discover these long lost standing body exercises and two man combat drills used by the Shaolin Temple to train the Shaolin Warrior Monks. You ain’t gonna believe this until you see it!

HoW It StArTed

It all started back in Boston, MA. Charles first got exposed to fighting because of his neighborhood. Growing up as an Italian in a mixed neighborhood got him into his fair share of scrapes with the local bullies.
Like many young boys, he got his start boxing at a local gym, then moved to several different martial arts before he decided that the Shaolin Arts had everything he was looking for.

Devastating throws, laser-like strikes and kicks, crippling grappling techniques and how to use and defend against deadly weapons were all a part of his training. He was hooked for life.
He decided at a young age to dedicate his life to the Shaolin Arts and thirty seven years later, he was Grandmaster and had built the largest martial arts company in the United States.
Little did he know that by dedicating his life to the arts and building his martial arts company, he had started a chain of events that would lead him to the innermost sacred chambers of the legendary Shaolin Temple of China.

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