lamborghini cerinardo

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

How to Do an Endo or Stoppie on a Bike

All you need is balance and brakes.
Difficulty: Moderate
Things You'll Need
a bike
Step One
tighten your front brakes, by twisting the knob on the handle, no to much; you will flip. just Very hard without the skidding.
Step Two
ride a controllable speed, where you can tilt the bike easily.
Step Three
apply front brake, and lean forward and up; stand and lean over the handle
Step Four
you're in a endo, control it with your balance.

How to Do a Wheelie on a Bike

Here's a basic bike trick that'll impress the kids down the street.

Difficulty: Easy
Step One

Sit on the bike.
Step Two
Get going about 5 mph.
Step Three
Stand on the pedals.
Step Four
Lean back slightly over the rear wheel.
Step Five
Pedaling evenly, pull sharply up on the handlebars.
Step Six
As the front wheel rises, balance your weight and the strength of your pedaling to maintain wheelie.

Tips & Warnings
This is easier on a BMX-style bike, because of the lower center of gravity. It is very difficult on a road bike.
Wear a fitted helmet when maneuvering on the bike. Also wear kneepads, elbowpads and gloves for further safety.
Be careful not to flip over onto your back.

How to Ride a Bicycle (bike) backwards


Difficulty: Challenging

Things You'll Need

Step One
Find a flat, wide open area like a parking lot or something like that.

Step Two
Straddle the bike as you normally do but in reverse.

Step Three
Rest you buttocks on the handlebars just over the gooseneck.

Step Four
Position the crank so that either the right or left peddle is in the upright position ready for a good download push.

Step Five
Place one foot on the upper peddle lightly and hold yourself up with the other foot.

Step Six
Slowly push off with the lower foot that is on the ground.

Step Seven
Start pedaling in reverse with the foot on the peddle wile lifting the lower foot up to the other peddle.

Step Eight
Use you natural balance and do your best to keep pedaling in reverse.

Step Nine
After about 20-30 attempts and this you will be riding backwards in no time.

the MoSt MyStErIoS ToPiC Of tHE WoRLD

In 2001, the Professor went back to the Shaolin Temple and brought over one hundred and fifty students of the arts with him to train at the Temple and pay his respects to the Head Abbot.
One evening, the Head Abbot asked if he could join the delegation at the local hotel they were staying. He told the Professor the he wished to speak to the group and make a special presentation.
During the dinner, the Head Abbot stood and made a speech, thanking the Professor for supporting the Shaolin Temple and Shaolin Arts. To show his appreciation, he said he had a special gift for the Professor.

the picture on the right shows Professor Charles Mattera being presented the ancient box that contains the Secrets of the Shaolin Temple from the 33rd Head Abbot of the Shaolin Temple, Shi Yun Shin.

ThE MoSt MyStErioUs tOpIc Of ThE WoRld

How to Start Your Journey to the Innermost Chambers of the Shaolin Temple…”

Your Path to Mastery starts here as you discover the secrets used by the Shaolin Temple to transform everyday farmers into legendary Shaolin Warrior Monks. Your body and your martial arts skills will never be the same!

“Why the Monks of the Shaolin Temple Aren’t Just a Bunch of Guys Flying Around in Their Pajamas”

Think that the Shaolin Arts are just about katas and dancing around…think again. Discover these long lost standing body exercises and two man combat drills used by the Shaolin Temple to train the Shaolin Warrior Monks. You ain’t gonna believe this until you see it!

HoW It StArTed

It all started back in Boston, MA. Charles first got exposed to fighting because of his neighborhood. Growing up as an Italian in a mixed neighborhood got him into his fair share of scrapes with the local bullies.
Like many young boys, he got his start boxing at a local gym, then moved to several different martial arts before he decided that the Shaolin Arts had everything he was looking for.

Devastating throws, laser-like strikes and kicks, crippling grappling techniques and how to use and defend against deadly weapons were all a part of his training. He was hooked for life.
He decided at a young age to dedicate his life to the Shaolin Arts and thirty seven years later, he was Grandmaster and had built the largest martial arts company in the United States.
Little did he know that by dedicating his life to the arts and building his martial arts company, he had started a chain of events that would lead him to the innermost sacred chambers of the legendary Shaolin Temple of China.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

how to Earn the Single Player Achievements in Call of Duty 3

There are quite a few Achievements you can earn in Call of Duty 3, some of which are quite simple, others extremely difficult and one “secret” Achievement that you can only read about after its been unlocked! If you’re the type who likes to play a game for the Achievements, here’s what you need to do to unlock the single player ones.
Difficulty: Challenging
1Step OneComplete the game on any difficulty level. This will net you 6 Achievements.
2Step TwoComplete the game on Veteran difficulty. This is REALLY hard, but will net you the Grizzled Veteran Achievement.
3Step ThreeAvoid getting hit with bullets 30 times. If you see gunshots rattling off the cover you just got behind, you’re on your way to getting this. If you complete the game on Easy, you’ll probably pick this up somewhere along the line.
4Step FourFinish a mission using only assault rifles, melee attacks and grenades. The easiest place to do this is The Corridor of Death. Nearly every enemy trooper is carrying the Stg. 44. This is an assault rifle and will provide you with effectively unlimited ammunition.
5Step FiveComplete a mission by firing only German weapons. This is really easy. Do this on Night Drop. Take the Kar-98 off the first guy you whack in the head with your Sten, then just use that the whole way through. This will also get you an Achievement for using only bolt-action weapons! Just make sure you don’t fire a single shot with the Sten, and you’ll be ok!
6Step SixFind a big jump and catch some air with a jeep. This can also be done in Night Drop, once you get Vera back. There are two places to do this while driving; first is the hay field you drive through (with the large rolls of hay.) There’s a ramp leading off the wall at the far end. Use that. The other option is to drive down the middle of the train tracks near the very end (the train yard right before you go down a small slope and over the rickety bridge.) The jump is in the center of the train tracks.
7Step SevenLive through a mission without firing a single round. Night Drop is also a good place to do this since there aren’t a lot of long-range battles to be fought. Grab the Kar-98 to melee, it hits harder than your Sten. Note that you CAN use grenades and still get this Achievement. Just make sure you’re on Easy difficulty. Completing this Achievement may also net you another Achievement for using less than 300 bullets in a level.
8Step EightPick up and return 5 live grenades. This is just fun!
9Step NineComplete a mission without dying or using checkpoints. This is harder than it seems, even on Easy. Best mission for this is St. Lo.
10Step TenUnlock the “secret” Achievement, the Purple Heart, by persevering despite grievous injuries. Basically, you have to die A LOT and keep on going, trying to finish the level. This is a shoe-in if you’re playing on Veteran difficulty because its practically guaranteed that you WILL die a lot!